Emily and Collin- Brundage Mountain Wedding Story

Brundage Love story of Emily and Collin

Our adventure in brundage was one of the most unexpectedly beautiful venues we have had the opportunity to shoot at. I’m sure many can’t say they traveled by ski lift to the top of the mountain for their ceremony! Once you see this film, I’m sure you’ll be asking yourself “ how do we have our wedding in Brundage!”

The wedding of Emily and Collin Clovis in Brundage, Idaho
Capturing Allison as we got ready for the first look! Can you believe how gorgeous she looks!

Capturing Allison as we got ready for the first look! Can you believe how gorgeous she looks!

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Some of the greatest moments for us is when we get to see the sparks fly between our bride and groom! Wedding days are just full of magic!

The bride being brought on her steel chariot! Now that’s one adventurous ride, a view hundreds of feet in the air!

The bride being brought on her steel chariot! Now that’s one adventurous ride, a view hundreds of feet in the air!

High on the mountain top a fairytale wedding memory was made! Just goes to show you don’t need to travel far to have that beautiful destination wedding, some of the most beautiful sites may be hiding in plain site!

High on the mountain top a fairytale wedding memory was made! Just goes to show you don’t need to travel far to have that beautiful destination wedding, some of the most beautiful sites may be hiding in plain site!

Finishing off the night with the first dance! With strung lights and the dark creeping in we were on our way to one beautiful lit night!

Finishing off the night with the first dance! With strung lights and the dark creeping in we were on our way to one beautiful lit night!

It was amazing filiming this wedding, probably one of our favorites to make!

If your looking to capture your wedding and make it a cinematic memory for years to come, get in touch with us!